Drones are stirring up public annoyance in the UK as the number of complaints to police are said to have soared 12-fold over the past two years - including allegations of snooping neighbors, burglary scoping exercises, prison smuggling and near-misses with aircraft.无人机于是以给英国民众带给厌烦,英国警方收到的无人机滋扰数量据信在过去两年间减少了11倍,还包括偷拍一家人、盗贼事前“踩点”、向监狱走私和差点与飞机撞的指控。Last year incidents rose to 3,456 (about 10 a day), almost tripling the 2015 figure of 1,237.去年,无人机滋扰事件减至3456宗,完全是2015年(1237宗)的3倍,相等于每天再次发生大约10宗。
In 2014, the number of incidents was only 283, indicating that the commercial success of the devices has brought with it a growing public nuisance.而在2014年,这一数字仅有为283宗。这指出无人机的商业顺利给公众带给了日益严重的妨碍。But the actual total number of cases is thought to be much higher, as not all police forces were able to submit data on the drone cases.不过因为并非所有警员都能递交无人机滋扰事件的数据,实际滋扰总量被指出要低得多。
David H Dunn, a professor at Birmingham University, warned of the snooping risk posed by the drones.伯明翰大学的大卫·H·邓恩教授则对无人机带给的窥视风险收到了警告。Speaking to the Press Association, he said: Previously you had a hedge, you had a wall and you could do whatever you wanted in your garden without people disturbing you. That has changed because of drones.他向《英国国家通讯社》透漏称之为:“在以前,你有一个篱笆,有一堵墙,你可以在你的花园中做到你想要做到的任何事而没别人睡觉。
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