The boss of the Chinese internet firm Alibaba, Jack Ma, has told US businesses that it needs more American products for China.中国互联网公司阿里巴巴的老板马云告诉他美国企业,中国必须更加多来自美国的商品。In a speech in New York, he said his company wanted to help small US businesses sell their wares in China.他在纽约公开发表的演讲中认为,阿里巴巴想协助美国的小型企业向中国销售它们的产品。Alibaba already accounts for 80% of all Chinese online consumer shopping and is looking to expand abroad.阿里巴巴早已占有中国在线销售市场的80%,并开始向境外扩展。
Mr Ma said he eventually wanted 40% of sales to come from outside China, rather than the current 2%.马云称之为,他期望有40%的销售额来自中国以外,而不是现在的2%。He was at pains to explain that Alibaba, which he founded in 1999, differed to Amazon because it didnt buy and sell stock, it provided a platform for small businesses to sell their products.马云希望说明他于1999年创立的阿里巴巴和亚马逊之间的区别——阿里巴巴并不售予和售出货物,它为小型企业获取了一个出售商品的平台。Alibaba listed on the New York Stock Exchange last year, raising $25bn, in the largest initial public offering in history.去年,阿里巴巴在纽约交易所上市,融资250亿美元,是历史上最大规模的IPO(首次公开发表IPO)。China has been very focused on exporting, Mr Ma said, it should focus on importing. China should learn to buy.马云说:“中国早已致力于出口,还应当注目进口。
中国必须学会出售。”Questioned on how he planned to deal with counterfeits, for which the company has been criticised and is currently being sued by Gucci, he replied he was at war against criminals and was working closely with the government to stamp it out.阿里巴巴被Gucci抨击并告上法庭。当被问及他想如何应付假货时,马云对此说道自己正在“和犯罪展开一场战争”,并和政府密切合作压制假货。
Were getting somewhere, he said.他说道:“我们早已初见成效。”The flamboyant Mr Ma, who once dressed up in leather and a Mohican wig and sang Elton Johns Can you Feel the Love Tonight? to employees, said he had learned a lot about corporate values and missions in the US - from companies such as GE and Walmart.个性张扬的马云曾多次穿著皮衣,戴着莫西干式裙子,在员工面前合唱艾尔顿·约翰的《今夜爱人无限》。他说道自己从通用电气、沃尔玛等美国企业自学到很多关于企业价值和愿景的东西。
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