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发布日期:2025-01-05 13:38浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chinas central authorities approved the 2018-2035 master plan for the Xiongan New Area last Wednesday. According to this approval, the Xiongan New Area will take the lead in deploying smart infrastructure at a moderate pace.上周三,中国中央批准后了雄安新区2018-2035年总体规划。

Chinas central authorities approved the 2018-2035 master plan for the Xiongan New Area last Wednesday. According to this approval, the Xiongan New Area will take the lead in deploying smart infrastructure at a moderate pace.上周三,中国中央批准后了雄安新区2018-2035年总体规划。经批准后,雄安新区将首度有助于部署智能基础设施。

Chen Gang, vice governor of Hebei Province and director of management committee of Xiongan New Area, said earlier that the Xiongan New Area will step up to develop artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT).河北省副省长、雄安新区管委会主任陈钢早些时候回应,雄安新区将更进一步发展人工智能、区块链技术和物联网等技术。Three Chinese telecom operators have set out special agendas for the Xiongan New Area.三家中国电信运营商早已制订了雄安新区的专项规划。

China Mobile has established an institute to build 5G network, develop smart transportation and industrial application.中国移动早已创建了一个机构来搭起5G网络,发展智能交通和工业应用于。China Unicom has set Xiongan as its pilot city for 5G technology with 100-200 5G test base stations in the pipeline. It also plans to carry out 5G scale building and pre-commercialization in 2019.中国联通一并彦安稳为5G技术的试点城市,正在建设100至200个5G测试基站。该运营商还计划在2019年展开5G规模的建设和实商业化。China Telecom has launched a 5G innovative demonstration network with ZTE and built a scale 5G test network in the Xiongan New Area.中国电信与中兴通讯发售了5G创意样板网络,并在雄安新区创建了规模较小的5G测试网络。

The Xiongan New Area is the test field for 5G technology and vertical applications with the aim of promoting the national commercialization of 5G technology.雄安新区是5G技术和横向应用于的试验城市,目的是为了增进5G技术在全国的商业化。



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