After witnessing growing interest in paid content in China, Amazon Kindle officially unveiled a new subscription service on Tuesday that offers all-you-can-read digital books for 12 yuan ($1.84) per month.在亲眼了中国对缴纳内容产生日益浓厚兴趣之后,亚马逊Kindle官方于上周二月发售一项新的订阅者服务,每月花12元才可畅读所有你不读的电子书。The service called Kindle Unlimited gives Chinese subscribers access to a collection of more than 40,000 Chinese language e-books and 3,500 English e-books, including best-sellers by popular Chinese and foreign authors such as Han Han, Yi Zhongtian and Higashino Keigo.这项服务名为Kindle Unlimited,采购该服务的中国用户可以读者多达4万本中文电子书、3500本英文电子书,韩寒、易中天、东野圭吾等热门的中外作家所著畅销书皆在其佩。The service supports Kindle devices and smartphones, computers and tablets with Kindle apps.该服务反对Kindle设备,以及加装了Kindle应用程序的智能手机、电脑、平板电脑。
The service is aimed to provide Chinese customers a more flexible way to read and to foster Chinas nascent e-book market, said Gu Fan, the head of Kindle content product management at Amazon China.在亚马逊中国负责管理Kindle内容产品管理的顾凡回应,该项服务的目标是为中国客户获取更加灵活性的方式来读者以及培育中国初生的电子书市场。Amazon launched its Kindle e-book store in China in December 2012. It saw the number of active paid readers per month shoot up about 37 times by the end of 2015.亚马逊于2012年12月在中国发售的Kindle电子书商店。累计2015年年底,活跃的收费用户的数字每月早已很快快速增长到了最一开始的37倍。
The Kindle Unlimited service was launched when China saw a drop in the number of books being read by its people.随着中国人读者书籍的数量持续暴跌,Kindle Unlimited这项服务应运而生。Zhu Ning, an economist, who recently published a book named The Guaranteed Bubble, said the number of books read by Chinese people is embarrassingly low.一位名为朱宁的经济学家近日出版发行了一本取名为The Guaranteed Bubble的书籍,在书中他就认为,中国人的读者书籍的数量现在是较低得让人尴尬。However, for the sustainable development of the subscription service, Kindle needs to get more publishers and authors to participate.但是,为了让订阅者服务可持续发展,Kindle还必须让更加多的出版商和作者重新加入进去。
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